
By Peter Verrykt January 25, 2023
SDGs and the corresponding indicators and targets  Today we will take a little side trip. After the Carbon footprint report, emission factors and an initial tip in terms of tooling, today we take a quick look at how the carbon footprint report translates to the SDG categories.
By Peter Verrykt January 17, 2023
From what we have seen in the field Too often we run into the same issue and quite recently we again ended up in a situation where a lot of time and energy was spent on collecting all emission data in an excel file and doing all calculations and reporting in it but end up losing twice the time in recovering after running into an error.
By Peter Verrykt January 9, 2023
What are those emission factors and which one to use ?  Last time we discussed the what and how of the carbon footprint report, to be able to report on all sorts of emissions that you decided to take into scope for your organization you need to bring them all to the same level to able to sum, compare etc. That's why today we'd like to focus on the emission factors and give some practical information on what is available as source so you can leverage the one (or ones) that are relevant for your organization and your sector.
By Peter Verrykt January 2, 2023
In our series on carbon footprinting we start with the what and why of a carbon footprint report. Carbon footprinting can be an important tool for organizations to understand and manage their environmental impact, comply with regulations and customer expectations, identify opportunities for cost savings, and improve their reputation and brand image.
By May 17, 2022
How the current market situation of rising energy prices shows that sustainability can not only be profitable but also makes the organization more resilient to changing market situations.
By Peter Verrykt December 10, 2020
Simply put, being data-driven involves leveraging existing operational and customer data as well as external data sources for both tactical and strategic decision-making. 
By Peter Verrykt November 1, 2020
Today’s advanced analysis methods and increasing availability of data are putting ever more pressure on established business structures and cultures to change. Decisions based on intuition and experience are increasingly being challenged by decision-making driven by data or statistics. However, organisations are still exploring ways to include the collective intelligence in the decision-making process.This is a subtitle for your new post
By Peter Verrykt October 14, 2020
Aanwerving, evaluaties en bonussystemen, hoewel we blij zijn dat HR deze diensten op zich neemt zouden we er graag, op gepaste momenten, deel van uitmaken. Hoe meer organisaties hiervoor open staan en werknemers betrekken in deze zaken hoe meer men inzet op verbinding, welbevinden en groei van zowel het individu als de organisatie zelf.
By Peter Verrykt September 21, 2020
Vaststellingen van stress en burn-out, dé opportuniteit voor “groei” van een onderneming
By Peter Verrykt September 14, 2020
De impact van COVID-19 op de cohesie binnen organisaties
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